Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree has always been a part of our holiday season. When I was growing up, my Mom, brother and I lived with with my grandparents. And we always had a live tree and sometimes a tree would be so wide around. Poppop always seemed to be the one who decorated the tree. I can't remember much about where a tree came from or who would get it, but it was always there. I carried this tradition over to my married life. Ricky's Mom and Dad were very conservative as far as decorating for Christmas. For many years his Mom had a little green ceramic tree that she put together and put up every year. My kids, each had their turns helping Mommaw put this tree together. Now, I have that tree, and the girls still put that tree together every Christmas and it gets placed somewhere in the house. And now we also have Austin and Jordyn helping. Ricky and I started out having artificial trees, then somewhere along the line, when the kids were still young, we started going to tree farms, to look and cut down that perfect tree. It was a family affair, even with the dogs. Then the kids got older and Ricky and I started getting a live tree at lots. Then last year, Devin and Heather decided we needed to go back to a tree farm and find that perfect tree. So, as I was told last night, they are expecting to go looking for that perfect tree again this year. Since we moved into our house, we now have two big trees and smaller trees in about every room. Last night, Devin and Heather decided to decorate the downstairs tree (which is artificial). I am not sure what has come over them. It is not decorated the way I would have done it, but, I have to say, that it looks pretty awesome. I guess they are carrying on the traditions we started. The highlight for me, is going to get the live tree, and decorating it, as my special tree. It sits in front of my picture window for all to see. Blue and white lights and ornaments. It becomes the center piece for all of our Christmas decorations and lights that we have out in the front of the house. Not sure how long Ricky and I will be able to go and have a live tree, but as long as we are able I would like to have a real tree. I love the way that every year that Christmas tree always looks different, different shape, different smell. We have thought about putting an artificial tree, or no tree at all in the living room, but it just would not be the same. And just as we have these traditions with our kids (and they have come to expect every year), we are making new traditions with the grandkids. Things they will always remember about Gammy and Poppy and our decorations at Christmas time, just as our kids remember certain things about my grandfather and grandmother, and Ricky's Mom and Dad, and their ways of decorating.

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