Thursday, December 1, 2011

The A - Z of Christmas - A & B

So I wanted to do another Christmas blog, and came up with this idea......The A - Z of Christmas.
And seeing that I am 2 days late's blog will be A  &  B. If you want to add comments about what comes to your mind with each letter, please do so. Would love to see what comes on everyone's mind.

A -  Apples and oranges......Growing up in church all of my life, has given me many special memories. And one of those memories is Christmas Programs. I have been involved in plays and programs for as long as I can remember. But as a young girl, still living at home with my grandfather and grandmother, there is  a special memory during Christmas that deal with apples and oranges. When our church would have our Annual Christmas grandfather would put treat bags together. These bags always included hard candy, chocolate candy and of course, apples and oranges. Today, at the church my husband pastors....we put treat bags together at Christmas time when we go caroling to those that are sick and shut in. And, of course, they always contain apples and oranges.

B - Beautiful Star of Bethlehem.....what else can I say about this beautiful Christmas hymn. It has been a a favorite of mine since I was a little girl.

So what is your A and B of Christmas?

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