Monday, August 1, 2011

Vacation 2011 - part 1

My next few posts will be about our Vacation of 2011. Eight days worth of Vacation, on our way to Bowling green Kentucky. It went by fast, but it also seemed to last a long time...if that is possible. I think we accomplished alot in that eight days.  We left home on a Sunday afternoon, so we could be in church that morning. We drove for about six hours before stopping for the night in Weston WV. But we made a stop on Route 68 in Western Maryland at a place called Sideling Hill. This is a place that was cut in the mountain for the road to go through. Very impressive. There is even a walk way over the road so you can see it better.
After leaving Sideling Hill, we traveled on, on Route 68, until we crossed the Md/WV line. From there our trip gets a little this I mean, lots of mountains, long inclines (lots of long inclines), for much of the time in Western Maryland and the northern part of West Virginia. By now we were wondering, what on earth possessed us to make this trip by car (since Bowling Green was an estimated 722 miles from home), of which we had now come about half of that. It is now Monday morning. Still on our way to Bowling Green Kentucky, we make another stop. This time at my Aunt Dee's home in Kenova West Virginia. There were still about 400 miles to go. So after leaving Kenova, we finally make our first
destination of Bowling Green, and it is now early evening of Monday.

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