Sunday, September 6, 2015

Our Family - 2015

Just want to put this out there: I am so very proud of my family. That includes my husband, my kids, my children's spouses, and my grandchildren. Each one is special in their own way.
My husband has been a wonderful provider and protector through our almost 38 years of marriage. He will always be my Knight in Shining Armor. I am so proud to be his wife, and to have lived this life together. We have had a wonderful ride in this thing we call Life. It has not been easy all the time, but the good definitely has outweighed the bad.
Chrissy, has always worked to help provide for her family, proud at how she has never met a stranger, and keeps busy with Austin and Jordyn. When she was younger, I never had to fight her to get up in the mornings. She was always ready to face the new day. Josh is a great Dad, has a special relationship with his two kids. I have watched the interaction between him and the kids, esp Austin, and he is great with them.
Devin, who has become a great young man.  He held out for a special woman to become his wife after having heartbreak. And how he has taught himself to play the guitar and other instruments, and have become a very good at it (not with any help from me). He is also very good at writing songs. Erin, you are a very special daughter, can't say in law, because you are like a daughter to me. You have made my son very happy and you two make a great pair. Looking forward to seeing the newest grandchild in March of 2016.
Heather, I have watched her transform into a wonderful woman, great wife and mom to her boys. She has  made their little house a beautiful home. Her little boys are truly Mama's boys, and they know how much she loves them. Travis, you are very talented when it comes to music. And I am proud of how you have provided for your little family. I know its not always easy. God will always bless you for that.
And I am so proud of the little guys in our family, Austin, Jordyn, Porter, Jackson and new ones that will come along. Each one has special qualities and I have a fondness and love for each of them, a special place in my heart for each.

All three of our kids, have many qualities of their father. They each have a calmness and soft speech as their father. I hope that each of these individuals that make up our little family, know how proud I am of them all and that I love them all.

Each of these families within our family also have a heart for God. And have built their home on Jesus, and the little ones are being taught about Him. How that church is very important, and that the parents are being those Christian leaders of their homes. No, none of them are perfect but I believe that each set of parents are striving to be better parents through Him. Hopefully Ricky and I have set examples for them to follow on this family thing.

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